Life is good, the day is beautiful. The sun is shining.
Then the mention of weights, of highest and lowest body weights in a room, numbers are thrown around, numbers I recognize, and suddenly, my entire being is swirling in fear. Not explainable, not shaken off with a mere thought or prayer. Not passing after a moment's breath. This is palpable, deep-seated, lung-collapsing fear. My breath gone, my body quivering, I try to focus on the current task, head down, panic-stricken. All the material seems suddenly 10x harder, deeper, more confusing. Because my brain has captured those numbers, and try as I might, they won't go away. They are a plague.
So how can we be mindful of triggers? We can recognize our audience: a room in which 90% of the people are young women? In a conservative environment? Weight is a bad idea. Should I be speaking of waist size or the number on the scale or abuse statistics? Can we not refrain from talk of obsessions and beauty? Of our perfections and imperfections?
Because statistically, I was not the only one affected.
What other things should we be aware of? How can we protect those around us, those we love, with our choice of words, of topics, of examples?
You tell me.