One week.
A week of learning of myself and of my God.
One week.
A week of stripping off my mask and holding it as far from my face as my arm can stretch - but not dropping it quite yet.
One week.
A week of trusting myself and my story to an incredible Creator God who made stars, and planets, and tiny sparkles that drift from my eyelids to the tip of my nose after a long day.
One week.
Of putting aside the important, conquering the urgent, and enjoying the gifts given so that the important can be conquered all the better by the rest and joy relished.
One week.
Of struggling and fighting, and swallowing hard, and long draughts of water to soothe my longing body.
One week.
Of joy fulfilled because of the step I can see.
One week.
Knowing I won't always succeed, but in the moments that I do, I can rejoice, and the moments that I don't - it's an opportunity to get back up, to practice, to learn, to grow.
One week.
Towards a lifetime of learning and teaching and loving.
One week.
Beautiful. Wonderful. Hope-filled! Love you and so proud of you - your courage, your honesty, all that God has made you to be. Press on, dear heart!