Friday, July 31, 2015

Full Moon Day

These days can be happy, too.

Today is one of those interesting days where my body feels something that is not of this world.  I was just sitting here trying to decipher what it is, this underneath, ever-growing, filling, bursting sensation inside my being.  I've come to the conclusion that it must be many things.

A season of change just beginning.  My mind choosing to feel.  My body following my mind's choice.  It's the moon and its pulling, the prayers and God's leading, the sounds I'll soon be missing, the long links I've built that must now be stretched, praying strength and elasticity over them so they might hold and grow bolder.

That these relationships might last.  That my beauty in Christ might be longer believed by my soul.  That I might take today and push it forward onto the ever-present tomorrow, yet still believe in newness and the ability of my created soul to blossom, building on the past which always follows us.  For the future does not follow the past, the past always follows the future, and so there is hope.

Why would I ever choose to mar it with my own insufficiency?

I won't.  I must simply teach the rest of me to listen to the Truth.

1 comment:

  1. Praying with you - you are truly beautiful! Christ in you - the hope of glory!
